We have a number of firearm and non-firearm training programs. Our complete list of of training can be found at Fortress Training.
Additional Benefits
Since the state of Maryland will require you to fire gun one time to get your HQL, we want to offer you more. Our morning course will cover the requirements of the state so you can purchase a handgun. We will also offer an afternoon session that will provide you a number of benefits as a firearms owner.
NRA 1 Step
You will complete additional training and be certified in the NRA 1st Steps Program. We will share further knowledge of firearm safety, the operation of the firearm, ammunition, and safe gun handling , plus addition shooting and instruction. And we do it on YOUR GUN once you get it.
Other Certifications
Since you have now completed the HQL and you are certified in the NRA 1st Steps, we offer one incredible certification. You will have an opportunity to complete the steps necesary so you can obtain a non-resident concealed carry best. If you need more than one state we are happy to add that for you.
What About A Concealed Carry Permit In Maryland?
You will be required to take a separate multi-day training course which will consist of 16 hours of training. If you are getting a re-certification you are required 8 hours of training. This is a completely separate course and is not covered in the above combination offer. If you are interested in attempting to obtain a Maryland concealed carry permit, contact us for class information and pricing.
Utah Concealed Carry Permit
This permit allows you to carry in over 30 states! This is the most sought after non-resident permit in the United States - Absolutely the best! We offer many other states depending on your need. Our non-resident classes run from $40.00-$150.00 depending on your needs. To learn more about the Utah Permit, so sign up for a class.